


了解套件 为您介绍一些关于树木的独特知识:

- 树木 是地球上最古老的生命形式之一。

- 最古老的树是一棵名叫 "Methusela "的鬃松,树龄将近 4900 年,生活在内华达州和加利福尼亚州交界处的高山上。

• We literally could not live without trees–they take carbon dioxide from the air and replace it with oxygen.

- 树木以其长长的根系阻止土壤侵蚀。

- 生长在城市中的树木寿命简短,平均寿命约为 8 年。

- 树木会降低空气温度。

- 野生动物需要树木提供食物和栖息地。

- 澳大利亚有一棵树,它的根系占据了一英亩的土地,这是令人着迷的树木知识之一。它有 236 英尺高。

- 一棵树每年产生的氧气为 260 磅。

• Tree facts applied to house sales indicate that trees can increase a house’s value by 10%.

- 世界上最高的树是加利福尼亚的红杉,高达 360 英尺。

- 一英亩树木每年可生产 4000 磅木材。

- 树木能过滤雨水,使水质更加清洁。

- 树木年轮显示树木的年龄。

- 研究树木年轮的科学名称是 年代学.

- 关于树木的独特事实表明,树木具有心理益处。当人们看到或置身于树木环境中时,血压和肌肉紧张度都会下降。

- 如果你想节省空调费用,那就种树吧。它们可以为建筑物降温高达 20%。

- 正是树木吸收了机动车产生的二氧化碳。

- 树木可以保护人和财产免受雨、雹、雪和冰的侵袭。

- 树木为许多不同行业提供了就业机会。

- 关于树木最令人印象深刻的一个独特事实是,纽约市有 520 万棵树。

- 一棵健康的桦树每年可以结出多达一百万颗种子。

- 树木蒸发叶片中的水分,导致空气冷却。

- 一英亩树木每年可生产 4000 磅木材。

- 有树的房子比没树的房子卖得快。

- 一棵完全生长的健康树木的价值在 $1000 到 $10.000 之间。

- 美国每年生产 3400-3600 万棵圣诞树。

- 每年,一棵树可吸收 10 磅污染物。

- 树木为我们提供商品,如水果、坚果和纸制品。






Rust fungus is a good example. It is aptly rust-colored or reddish-orange and travels from one live tree to another. The fungus will die with the tree, but chances are, it has already spread to other live trees nearby. Another destructive fungus that causes tree diseases is wood decay fungus. While this fungus can help rid the forest of down and dead branches, it can also attack live trees. These fungi grow through damp wood and sometimes even hollow out tree limbs and trunks so that the inside of the tree is destroyed, but it’s not noticed on the outside until the tree is dying.

Canker fungus is another of the most stubborn tree diseases to eliminate. A tree can be infected by a broken branch or a cut that left the tree’s inner part exposed. The fungus then starts to kill the tree bark, and it takes for itself vital nutrients that the tree needs to live. Eventually, the leaves will begin to die over time, producing more and more bare branches each year. This type of tree disease can be caused by a cut from an automobile hitting a tree or a scratch from lawn equipment causing a wound.

Different forms of root rot cause many other tree diseases. There are all kinds of insects that intend to destroy trees–worms, caterpillars, beetles, and moths, to name a few. Some tree diseases are also introduced into North America by infected plants being imported–perhaps the chief of these was American Chestnut Blight, which was imported from Asia but has destroyed just about all of the American Chestnut Trees.

美国最常见的二十五种树木病害是:美国栗树疫病、Armillaria 根腐病、炭疽病、Annosus 根腐病、杨树腐烂病、山毛榉树皮病、长叶松褐斑病、腐烂根、指挥官水泡腐烂病、Cronartium 锈病、松树 Diplodia 枯萎病、山茱萸炭疽病、Dothistroma 针叶枯萎病、荷兰榆树病、矮槲寄生、Elytroderma 针叶枯萎病、纺锤形锈病、层状根腐病、小叶病、Lucidus 根腐病和对接腐烂病、槲寄生、橡树枯萎病、Scheroderrus 腐烂病、橡树猝死和白松水泡锈病。



如果您要寻找世界上最古老的树,您必须前往加利福尼亚州和内华达州交界处的白山,在海拔 10,400 英尺的地方生长着一棵名叫玛土撒拉的树。玛土撒拉树是一种布里斯康松,据估计已有 4844 年的树龄。它是世界上最古老的活树。它于 1957 年被埃德蒙-舒尔曼发现。

There is some controversy as to the world’s oldest tree. What is thought to be the oldest was another Bristlecone Pine, Prometheus, that grew on Wheeler Peak in bordering Nevada. This tree was killed in 1964 by a graduate student who, in failing to core the tree successfully, used a chainsaw instead and hauled away slabs from the middle of the tree. This caused considerable controversy, and now all of the Bristlecone Pines are protected by U.S. law. The actual location of Methuselah is not public knowledge and is only given out by the U.S. Forest Service to select scientists who continue studies of the tree. The age has been determined by tree ring analysis.

In April 2008, news reports worldwide announced that a tree older than Methuselah had been found in Sweden. Some people consider this Norway Pine, estimated to be 9,550 years old, the new oldest tree. Many people, especially scientists, don’t. That’s because the actual tree growing on the spot is young in tree years at only a few hundred years old. This tree is a clone of the original tree. What is said to be almost 10,000 years old are the tree roots–cones and pieces of wood from underneath the tree were carbon dated and determined to be in the range of 9,550 years old. The tissue in the living tree itself is not from the parent tree.

So, is it the oldest tree? That’s for each person to decide for themselves. Some people have already updated books and websites to include this newcomer. However, among scientists, Methuselah is considered the real thing. In some texts, wordings are revised to say “oldest non-clonal organism,” which refers to the Swedish tree as “oldest clonal organism.” There are aspens (also a clonal tree) with roots as old as 10,000 – 20,000 years.

Methuselah, at almost 5000 years old, is still a living, healthy tree. You can see it if you should hike the four-mile Methuselah Loop Trail in Great Basin National Park–the only thing is, you won’t know exactly which tree it is as that remains a secret. However, you will see Methuselah and many other spectacular trees in this grove, and they are all within the same sort of age range. The Bristlecone Pine here has adapted to a harsh environment where nothing else survives. It grows incredibly slowly, not more than an inch a year. At this high elevation, the climate is dry, cold, windy, and precipitation is only 4-12″ each year, usually from the snow.

如果您决定前往拥有最古老树木的小树林,请记住,这棵树,甚至地上的木片和球果都是受美国法律保护的。希望 1964 年的经历永远不会重演。



The biological name of the Japanese Maple Tree is Acerpalmatum, meaning “Bloodgood.” It is a trendy tree in its native Japan, and North America, with between 800 and 1000 different varieties thought to exist. These are not indigenous varieties but cultivars that have been bred through grafting. It is a popular ornamental plant with many collectors, and it is well-suited to bonsai. The Japanese prefer green colored leaves, which change to red in the fall, while in the United States, there is a preference for red leaves and other colorful varieties.

The Japanese Maple Tree comes in many different sizes and colors, and they do well in diverse settings. Sometimes the leaves have what we think of like a maple shape, but they often do not. Colors range from light to dark green and every shade of red–light, bright, medium, burgundy, and blackish. There are also several shades of purple leaves. The Japanese Maple Tree is fragile and is considered a hardy tree that grows well in a wide variety of environments. These trees very rarely have any damage from pests.

A Japanese Maple Tree can be tiny, such as the size you might want to grow in a pot on the deck or very tall, as in a 20-foot shade tree. Japanese Maples like fertile soil that is a little on the moist side. In arid areas, they should be planted where they will get shade in the afternoon. It would help if you also waited to plant in the spring until there is no more frost danger. Growing is best in zones 5-8. Young trees should be staked because a Japanese Maple Tree has extensive foliage that can bend the branches. Pruning is no problem, and you can prune to whatever size or shape you like or is most convenient. Although it is possible to start a Japanese Maple tree from seed, grafting is best done. It can take up to three years for a seed to sprout. The trees themselves also grow slowly–usually under a foot each year.

Being of the ornamental variety and quite colorful, Japanese Maple Trees are springing up all across America in front yards and landscaped gardens. If you think you’d like to plant one or several in your yard, don’t let the number of varieties scare you off. Talking to the folks at a local garden store or nursery can give you an idea of which ones might be best planted in your area.

There are around 25- 35 varieties of the Japanese Maple Tree readily available at nurseries and gardening centers or on the internet. Among the most popular ones is the “Butterfly,” which has light green leaves with white edges and can turn to pinks or red colors in the fall. It is of the shrub variety, growing only 4-5 feet tall. “Fireglow” and “Emperor One” are newer varieties, both of which were cultivated for their fiery, dark red leaves, which are even more beautiful in the evening light of sunset. Another Japanese Maple Tree that is now often seen in yards is the “Corollonim,” known for its spring leaf color–a remarkable orange-pink.



Known for its bright yellow fall colors, the aspen tree is one of the most popular trees in North America. The quaking aspen is the most-planted variety and is so named because its flat branches shimmer in the wind. If you think of Colorado when you hear the words aspen tree, you’re not alone. Colorado and Utah have the distinction of having the enormous numbers of aspen trees in the world. An aspen tree likes to live at 8,000 to 10,000 feet above sea level.


杨树是一种耐寒树种,比较容易生长。它喜欢充足的阳光,需要大量水分才能茁壮成长。由于它们生长在如此高的海拔地区,水分可以由雪提供。杨树每年可长 5 英尺,通常高约 50 英尺。宽度可达 25 英尺。扦插栽培的杨树生长最好。


杨树是野生动物栖息地的重要树种,有 500 多种不同的生物依赖它。其中包括麋鹿、鹿、熊、兔子以及老鼠和海狸等小型动物。与其他树木相比,所有类型的杨树都能让更多的阳光透过树枝照射到地面,从而在森林地面上形成各种不同的植物和灌木。这些植物包括鹅掌楸、薮莓灌木、草和美丽的野花。

Birds like the variety of shrubs within aspen stands provide ample food, and the tree branches itself, which can shelter and protect. The fact that they provide suitable bird habitat is also a consideration for many people who love them as backyard trees–this, and of course, the knowledge that in the fall, an aspen tree is one of the brightest and most colorful to be found. While the Eastern U.S. abounds in hardwoods whose leaves change to spectacular colors, the West does not need the aspen tree to lend color, especially at higher elevations. There is no denying the beauty of an aspen tree.



The redbud tree is a spring favorite throughout the Eastern United States. There is nothing so beautiful after a long, hard winter than this small, hardy tree just covered from top to bottom with pinkish flowers. It’s not big as trees go, only 20-30 feet tall, with beautiful spreading branches that are 15-20 feet across.


At the Arbor Day Society, the redbud has made it the shortlist of those to be considered a national tree. It is native to North America, and early American settlers have used the redbud’s flowers in salads. The bark has been used for medicinal purposes. The tree can be found up and down the East Coast and West to the plains, growing best in zones 4-9. The redbud tree has also always been known as the Eastern Redbud, but now a smaller tree has taken on the California redbud.

The redbud tree is called “the Judas Tree” because history has it that the redbud is a relative of the type of tree on which Judas Iscariot hanged himself. Folklore suggests that it is now a deciduous or a softwood tree with gentle branches not to be strong enough for someone to turn themselves on it again.

If you are thinking of planting a redbud tree, you should do so in well-drained soil. The tree withstands summer heat but is best placed where it can have afternoon shade. The tree needs to be pruned regularly–the best times being in the fall or the spring after it has lost its flowers.

Another interesting fact about the redbud tree is that it uses nitrogen from the air as a nutrient and may have antioxidant properties. It is, surprisingly, a member of the bean and pea family. It has also been cultivated to have 4-5 different varieties now available. One of the most popular is the “Forest Pansy Redbud,” which has scarlet flowers and red leaves in the spring turning more burgundy in color in the fall. . Another type, “Cascading Hearts,” was patented in 2008 and is described as being a “weeping plant” with “densely foliated growth.” It has reddish-green leaves that are dark green in summer.

紫荆树受到多种昆虫和植物病害的困扰。需要注意的害虫有树蛙、鳞翅目昆虫和蜘蛛螨。最常见的感染是由真菌引起的腐烂病。它影响大约 50 种不同类型的树木,通过风雨传播。它通过伤口或枯枝进入树木。紫荆树的树皮很脆弱,很容易受损,所以你必须小心,不要弄伤自己。紫荆树的其他病害还有叶斑病和枯萎病。



垂枝樱最出名的是它每年春天都会开出美丽的粉色或白色花朵。垂枝樱高 20-30 英尺,几乎等宽,横跨 15-20 英尺,是一种时髦的景观树。它能适应大多数土壤,无论是粘土、壤土还是沙土。它喜欢排水良好的土壤,也喜欢种植在阳光充足的地方。它是一种艳丽的树种,开花时非常壮观。缺点是垂枝樱需要比一般樱花更多的维护,才能保持健康和美观。


As for maintenance, it is necessary to prune a weeping cherry tree regularly. They will need strong leaders to hold the weight of the weeping branches. These branches can droop very close to the ground. So, leave the vigorous shoots growing from the top pretty much alone. Mulch is advised underneath the tree to be left with no need to be mowed. Make sure to prune the first time when the tree is still young. The best time to prune is in the fall or late summer. You should remove the suckers and water spouts. If you intend to let the tree droop to the ground, the best thing is not to prune the branches’ ends. If you have planted one of the varieties, the Snow Fountain Weeping Cherry Tree, most people prune it very little, leaving it with have a natural look.






Another type of bean tree is the Tonka Bean Tree. Most North Americans are unfamiliar with this particular tree. That’s because it is a tropical tree that grows in South America and produces pod-type fruit. All of the pods have black seeds commonly used for flavoring.

The Carob Bean Tree might be a tree that has been heard about by more people. That’s because carob beans and carob products are available in most health food stores. It is often called “the healthy person’s chocolate. “The carob bean tree is a member of the legume (pea) family of plants. It produces no fruit for the first fifteen years, but it has pods for the rest of its life.

角豆树豆荚生长时看起来像绿色的蚕豆,采收时会变成有光泽的棕色。豆荚长四到十英寸,重四分之三盎司到一盎司半。每个豆荚都有四个孔,孔中有种子。角豆树的种子看起来与西瓜籽相似,每个豆荚可以有多达 15 根。种子和豆荚都可以食用。磨碎的种子可用作巧克力替代品。

Pods from the carob bean tree are sweet, so they require less sugar in recipes or used as a sugar substitute. They also do not have caffeine or theobromine–stimulants found in chocolate. Carob powder is used as a food stabilizer and as a thickener, known as locust bean gum. And that leads to another exciting association–the carob bean tree has grown for centuries in the Middle East and is also known as the locust bean tree. Another name for the carob pods is St. John’s Bread because Biblical scholars believe that it is the food that sustained John the Baptist in the wilderness.

People who prefer to stick with real chocolate can have their bean tree too. The tree from which chocolate is produced is known as a cocoa tree or a chocolate bean tree. The chocolate bean tree requires hot temperatures and is only grown in Africa, Asia, South America, and Central America, close to the equator. It can grow to be as tall as 50 feet but usually is underneath the cover of much more towering trees–200-foot hardwoods. The cocoa bean tree requires lots of shade to produce fruit, but it can produce up to 150 years once it has.

这种树的果实是长长的椭圆形豆荚,可以长到 15 英寸长。它们的形状像足球,直接长在树干上,而不像苹果和橘子那样长在茎或枝上。




The serviceberry tree is native to North America, although it falls into the “is it a tree or a bush?’ category. Usually, the serviceberry is considered a small tree that can grow up to forty feet tall with a span across that is around 15-20 feet. However, with 45 varieties, you can find one just the right size no matter which you prefer. Such names also know as juneberry, Saskatoon berry, shadbush, or shadblow. It is in the Rosaceae family.


The serviceberry tree grows well in zones 4 through 7. It likes soil that is moist but well-drained. It doesn’t do well in arid conditions and may need to be watered during a drought. Both full sunlight or partial shade is sufficient. When you plant a serviceberry tree, make sure to make a hole that is 5-6 times wider than the ball of roots as it likes to spread out. However, the origins are not invasive, and if you have a small yard, you don’t need to worry about planting close-by.

A serviceberry tree’s bark is thin and can easily be damaged, so care needs to be taken if mowing near the tree. The serviceberry has multiple trunks, but you can prune them to grow with a single box.

There are a variety of pests and diseases that can attack this type of tree. Cambium miners can cause lines in the tree bark but are not damaging to the tree itself. Leaf miners will mine the leaves. Of particular concern are two insects that attack the leaves. One forms cocoons on the leaves’ underside and scrapes off the tissue so that the leaves appear to have windows. The other is the pear sawfly, whose larvae attack the leaves. These will appear to be greenish-black. Skeletonized leaves will die and drop off. Also, watch out for spider mites and aphids.

A typical plant disease knows as witches’ broom affects serviceberry trees. It attacks the ends of the branches where there is new growth, forming a stems cluster, which is the “broom” part. At the same time, you may notice black fungus on the undersides of the leaves. Prune off the brooms, and the tree will survive.




Still, if you are looking for a relatively small tree that is spectacular at foliage time, the sumac might be just for you. First of all, you should learn about poison sumac so that when neighbors or relatives ask how you know it’s not a poison sumac tree, you can explain it to them. By the way, Poison sumac gives a skin irritation to those who touch it, much like poison ivy. Poison sumac like very, very wet soil, soaked that they grow mostly in swampy areas. On the other hand, a sumac tree likes its soil to be very well-drained and is likely to be found in a dry place. If it’s in the fall, there’s an easy way to tell the difference between them. The poison version will have white berries that hang down toward the ground. The sumac tree will have red berries that grow upward toward the sky.

苏木原产于新英格兰,但也可以在气候相同的其他地区种植。两种常见的苏木是鹿角苏木和光滑苏木。鹿角苏木的树高可达大多数人认为可以接受的 20-35 英尺。光滑苏木较矮,在 8-12 英尺之间。这两种树都有艳丽的叶子和鲜红的浆果。即使在大雪纷飞之后,这些红色浆果仍然保持红色,与地面上的白色形成鲜明对比。


A sumac tree does have a failing that might deter some prospective tree planters. It is an invasive plant, but it is a native invasive plant. The rhizomes are prolific spreaders, and if you aren’t careful, you could soon have sumac trees where you don’t want sumac trees. If you are the type of landscaper that doesn’t want to be bothered with pruning or plant care beyond the initial planting, then maybe the sumac isn’t right for you. But for anyone who enjoys working with plants, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

苏木树有许多优点。美洲原住民用树皮来鞣制皮肤,并用树籽来制作柠檬水,这种饮料含有大量的维生素 C。它常与鱼肉、沙拉、米饭、土豆和洋葱一起使用。




The red maple tree’s wood is soft and used to make lower-cost brands of furniture and small wooden items. The tree can be tapped for syrup but will produce much smaller quantities than sugar maple. It is an ideal landscape tree planted in front and backyards and along streets and walkways. It is a beautiful shade tree.

红枫树比北美任何其他树木都能在更多不同的土壤和湿度条件下生长。它可以生长在北部或南部,以及海拔 6000 英尺以下的山区。它可以生长在干燥的山脊、南部和西部山坡上,但在沼泽地和溪流边也很普遍。在南方,红枫被称为沼泽树。

In the spring, the red maple tree is one of the first to flower. Whitetail deer and elk are among the animals that count on red maples for an abundant food supply. Red maples have a short lifespan as far as trees go, living only for around 150 years. It doesn’t reach maturity until it is 70-80 years old.



The red maple tree is fast-growing and can vary significantly in height. They are hardy in cold temperatures, and red maples in the north usually have the brightest and most reddish colors during fall foliage. Red maples are now being bred to withstand some of the conditions affecting city trees, such as drought, verticillium, and air pollution. If you seek just the right tree for the front or back lawn, you can’t go wrong with red maple. It will grow just about anywhere, and when fall comes, you will be delighted with the brilliant colors.



As one of the most prominent trees in the United States, you will find the red oak tree growing along streets and yards across the country. That’s because a red oak tree can thrive in just about any soil. It provides abundant shade and has intensely bright red fall colors. This tree is also known as a Northern Red Oak Tree, even though it grows in the southern United States. The northern is often dropped from the name to differentiate it from a southern red oak tree, also called a Spanish oak.

The red oak tree can withstand pollutants, so it’s a good tree for both the city and the country. It is fast-growing and can grow up to two feet every year for ten years. It is so hardy it grows well in zones 3 through 8. It is the predominant tree in many old residential neighborhoods, and you will often see its acorns on lawns and streets. The acorns the tree produces are popular with birds and animals, including squirrels, turkeys, blue jays, deer, raccoons, and bears.


The most significant pest for a red oak tree is the red oak borer, but it does not kill it. It is the borer’s larvae that first damage the tree by burrowing into crevices in the bark. When they reach adult size, the borer can be one and a half inches long, and they bore more deeply into the center of the tree. It is usually this damage combined with other stresses that kill the tree.

If you are looking for a large, hardy tree shade in the backyard, you couldn’t make a better choice than red oak. The National Arbor Day Foundation has created the oak tree, the American national tree. There are oak trees of all species growing in just about every state. Oaks are the state tree of New Jersey, Maryland. Iowa, Illinois, Georgia, Connecticut, and the District of Columbia.

If you don’t want to buy a red oak tree, you can collect acorns in the fall and plant them the next spring. You should look for instructions on exactly how to store them as they will need to be kept cold over the winter. This could be a great way to get kids interested in trees by having them search for acorns in the fall and help plant them in the spring. In time you could be watching a tree grow into a magnificent mature red oak tree.



布拉德福德梨树不是美国本土树种。它于 1908 年首次从中国传入美国,因为大多数本地梨树都容易感染火疫病而死亡。美国农业部于 20 世纪 60 年代初将其出售。布拉德福德梨并不是梨树中的佼佼者,但它在城市地区却非常重要,可以种植在停车场周围、高速公路中央地带以及其他许多树木无法存活的地方。

The scientific name of the Bradford pear tree is Pyrus calleryana’ Bradford.’ The tree can grow to be 30-40 feet tall and prefers the warmer temperatures of zones 5 through 9A. It is covered with beautiful white blossoms in the spring, and in the fall can have many glorious colors from red to orange and dark maroon. It does well planted in containers. The fruits are not edible by humans but are a favorite of birds and squirrels.

The Bradford pear tree’s biggest problem is that it has many upright branches growing too closely together on the trunk. This makes the plant too breakable, especially in bad weather. The tree can be pruned to reduce breakage risk, but professionals best do the pruning.

布拉德福德梨树几乎可以在任何类型的土壤中生长,一般不会受到污染物或害虫的影响,特别是在城市中。布拉德福德梨树喜欢在阳光充足的地方生长,不会受到干旱或土壤过于潮湿的影响。不过,部分由于树枝结构的原因,这种树随着年龄的增长开始出现风雪损害问题。当树龄达到 20 年左右时,这可能会导致树木折断。在树龄达到二十五年时,应做好更换树木的准备。

The breakage is a problem in many cities where the trees are now reaching this age span. Many cities in the Washington, DC/Virginia area have stopped planting the trees. They have even prevented contractors from growing them in subdivisions. In Baltimore, over 100 Bradford pear trees were torn up for sidewalk construction and replaced with another tree. According to an article in the Washington Post, the Bradford pears were also removed from the National Arboretum parking lot’s sides. They were afraid of limbs from the trees falling onto parked cars. Thorns from spreading suckers have been reported to be so sharp as to pierce the tires on an automobile.




The royal empress tree has been in the United States since the 1800s, but most people know very little about it. Now it’s starting to catch on as a landscape tree and beginning to pop up in neighborhood yards because of its fantastic ability to grow fast. It grows very fast, at the rate of 10 to 15 feet each year. A full-grown, mature tree can be as tall as one hundred feet. Not only that, it is practically impossible to kill. The tree will grow anew should any disaster require that it be cut back to its roots.
这种树几乎可以在任何土壤中生长,对病虫害的抵抗力极强。从加拿大到墨西哥都能找到这种树,生长区域为 5-11 区。皇家皇后树不喜欢生长在有霜冻的地区。每年春天,这种树都会开出巨大的紫色花朵,散发出怡人的香味。女皇树的叶子很大,非常适合遮阴,几片叶子就能为房屋遮阴,减少燃料费。树叶每年都会掉落,为土壤增加氮元素。

皇太后树,顾名思义,原产于中国和日本。在这些国家,女儿出生时就会种下这棵树。然后它就一直生长,直到孩子长大成人,结婚时被砍下来做成结婚用的箱子。帝后木在许多国家都受到推崇,在美国,只有樱桃的价值更高。这种树的木材产量是其他树的 2-4 倍。一棵皇室皇后树被采伐后,会从树桩上重新生长,每棵树可以生长 10 次之多。树根可以深入地下 40 英尺。

While some people report that the royal empress tree is invasive, with its spreading suckers taking over a yard, others counter that it is not intrusive at all as a hybrid. The plant’s large leaves allow them to take in carbon dioxide at high levels and put it back in the air as oxygen. The root system is so deep that it absorbs toxins and animal waste, thus cleaning the soil.




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